Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Today I got my first rejection.

So I go scouting today and no one has interesting styles on (that I notice) and it's kind of disappointing. I'd given up all hope just before I stepped onto the bus.

Let me just preface this with some background: My bus driver is CRAZY. He is also very intimidating. You Eastern/SSI bus riders know what I'm talking about. Anyway, he wears the most striking outfits, especially in context of his occupation. I have seen him wear: A full suit (while his hair is in corn rolls). The next day he wears his hair in crazy fro and a full tracksuit embroidered with basketballs and some timberlands. It's almost surreal enough to be a running joke on some sitcom. I've gotten used to it.

But even in my jaded state, today he stood out: He looked so fresh. Excuse me with my white girl slang, but that is the only appropriate way to describe him. He was wearing:
A bright yellow (more like a poppy yellow) button down shirt.
Crazy fro.
And his famous Gucci shoes. (which may be real, depending on how much money he makes in his side job as a pimp.)

It was one of those things that I would have killed myself if I didn't at least to try to get a picture of him. And his style was HIM. It was the epitome of eccentric scary giant pimp bus driver. You would have to see it to believe it. So gathering up all of my courage, I asked him I could take a picture of his outfit.

Bus Driver: " Sorry, I don't have my picture taken. Thank you though."

He was very polite about it. I mean, it's okay, I don't want the picture picked up and traced by the authorities, either. You're a pretty good bus driver.

Still, it was disappointing. His outfit was by FAR the best thing I'd seen all week.

If you'll excuse me, I need to go eat an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's and watch ER.


Anonymous said...

NOOOO !!!!! Tack popping a hole in the heart syndrome no joke. That sounds awesome, I wish I could have seen it and I'm glad you tried. (Wtf is it at Blair, I couldn't find any styles today either. It seems like people dress crazier outside of school because no one's judging them?...) Awwww. daym. He is amazing. P.S. He's a liar, I got a picture of him once. P.S. Excitement never running out about becoming designers this summer and maybe bringing amazing styles like his to the hell hole (school). Also, Lily and I are bringing back glamouuuur gloves, good idea? riiiiiiigghhhtt? feel better, lauren

Anonymous said...

haha, you're too going to fast for me

Unknown said...

aww lauren! that is le suckage.
don't worry you are still awesome.

Unknown said...

oh and yes. it is true. we are bringing back gloves.

Anonymous said...

oh i heard about this outfit! i miss seeing that man, his clothes always brighten my day.
probably part time pimps/busdrivers can't have their pictures all over the internet though. whatevs, i still love him.

Meredith said...

It's so tragic that you could not get his picture. A picture of that outfit on the web could have revolutionized the fashion industry.

If only he had let you take his picture... Poppy yellow shirts and suspenders would be all over the place by now...

Anonymous said...

I remember that day! You are sooo right. He always has the coolest outfits...and is definitely cool and intimidating while also being "fresh" and polite.