So the WaPo online site is my homepage (thank you, Ms. Cullen) and I noticed yesterday that they were going to have a question and answer session with Christian Siriano, the winner of this season of Project Runway and a total fucking badass.

Being a stalker and all, I decided to submit two questions to the discussion. He answered them both! The one that is relevant to this blog is this:
Silver Spring, Md.: Partly inspired by Project Runway, my friends and I have started a fashion blog where we take pictures of kids with good styles at our school. However we've also noticed a lot of kids who just rely on some borderline awful trends like Uggs. As a not so long ago high schooler, how would you advise teens like us to keep it, um, fierce?
CHRISTIAN SIRIANO: I love high school fashion blogs. That is a jump start to possibly working for Vogue or Elle in a few years.
Trend-wise, when you're young and creative and willing to wear whatever you want, that's great. You can be as creative as you want and don't have a 9 to 5 job to hold you down. So be creative now because later in life you won't be able to. And keep it fierce!
So basically, he of many catchphrases and spiky hair believes we can do whatever we want. Which is true. Keep it fierce, y'all.
How very fierce! See, Christian proves that even people from Murrlin can have badass styles and whatnot.
I suppose someone might be working at Vogue within a few years!
Project Runway fans should watch Amy Poehler's skit on Christian.
-Nels Bex
Hey Lauren - Love the blog! Check out the link the posted. You might appreciate the review on Project Runway.
Hope you're well. Enna
What was the other question?
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