Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To Whom it May Concern

So like all blogs, there will be commenters with strong opinions. Some pertaining to the subject material and some not. However, as long as their comments remain within a reasonable sphere of relevancy I will be more than happy to accommodate them, favorable or not. After all, no good blog can go on very long without its share of angry comments. Remember: Relevance is the key! If you have something extremely nasty, hurtful, or personal to say, remember to make it tie in with the post at hand!

This might be a good time to announce that my now-semi-infamous post on how much I hate uggs has recieved a record-shattering 9 COMMENTS! Apparently it really hit a nerve. Mama is so proud.


1 comment:

about me said...

If you have something extremely nasty, hurtful, or personal to say, remember to make it tie in with the post at hand!'

YEESSSSS hahahaaa awesome.
pictures to come when my compy is not being a bum.

also i am seriously considering a venue thing... just so you know...

oops the relevance!!