Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Great Shansby

So not only did I get a long-awaited picture of everyone's favorite journalism substitute, I got practically a whole shoot. It turns out he is very particular about how he should be shot. Sucks for him, cause I'm posting pretty much all of the pictures. To retain his anonymity, "Mr. Shansby" is sporting Gucci sunglasses.
"The Shansby"-- it's all the rage for swinging male professionals in the 22-29 set! The cardigan, the shirt and tie, the slacks, and don't forget the unbleached chucks--the kids are really digging it!

DEAR MR SHANSBY'S FUTURE EMPLOYERS: If you are reading this, I would like you to know that I, as well as my peers, can testify to Mr. Shansby's utmost professionalism as a teacher and as a cartoonist. He is an extremely talented young man and you would be lucky to have him working for you.
Upon examining this picture, a young female colleague of mine asked, "Can I bang Shansby?" Indeed.

For extra Shansby points, try clipping two pens to the left hand side of your cardigan-- one green, one red. Mr. Shansby says they do not have to be in a particular order. I also learned from a source that "The Shanz" never wears white shirts because they get dirty; he much prefers blue shirts. For advanced Shansby-emulators, getting Ms. Cullen's ID might be trickier, but nothing's impossible. I heard there will be lots of Little Shansbys running around tomorrow, so study up!

ADDITIONAL NOTE TO MR SHANSBY'S FUTURE EMPLOYERS: By my previous statement I was implying that we will be dressing up as Mr. Shansby tomorrow to celebrate his last day, not that he has fathered any illegitimate children.

That's all folks, dress your best tomorrow (as always), LP and I will be ready with cameras!

P.S. Goodbye forever, Mr. Shansby! Have fun in San Francisco without us. *sniff* But for real, good luck!


Anonymous said...

we'll miss you
ps you styles are amazing
great post lauren!

image opportunity said...
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Anonymous said...

He's adorable. I'm so smad that he's leaving. Tight sunglasses. Whose are they?

Amazing pictures, I'm impressed that the florescent lighting did not wash him out.

// what happened to dressed up in Shansby wear today? I was blown!

Anonymous said...

hahaha man are those his glasses??

awwww who doesnt love shansby?

Anonymous said...

also meredith gots some pics of her and shansby with her dressed as shansby

Adolita said...

I wish I went to Blair so I could meet him. From all I've heard he sounds fantastic. His style is tight.

Unknown said...

that was the funnest photoshoot ever! the shanz is a beast. enough said.

and mattieu's stunna shades have never been put to better use.


Anonymous said...

aw shansby. i love it.
the guccis really pull it all together. bangin.