Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Farragut Fashionista

So yesterday me and my friends are taking the metro to Anthropologie (yes, we have to go all the way through dc to rockville-- god bless our public transportation system) when the conductor announces the red line is stopping at farragut north, presumably for something like repairs or a cigarette break. After about 15 minutes of grumbling to each other on the platform, this like 7 year old girl walks right up to us and begins chatting. She complemented Lauren's (my collaborator and a talented photog) teal flip flops and began talking about how much she loved fashion. She likes to to put together her own outfits. You can't see it in the picture, but she made her own necklaces. In addition to this, she gave us directions to her house in case we wanted to come over some time. I asked her father if I could take a picture of the outgoing cherub for my blog. Here she is-- look out fashion world, this girl will rule you someday!

By the way, we never got to rockville. We stopped in Friendship Heights and wandered around D.C.'s only Neiman Marcus (Yes, all the high fashion in D.C. occupies two blocks in Friendship Heights, we're cool.) As we were roaming ogling clothes of 1000x our price range, this cool black salesguy was like, "Well, if it isn't the funky four! You guys are fabulous!"

I don't know if he was being sarcastic or not, but we appreciated it nonetheless.

P.S. Nice Try, WaPo.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, "Needless Markup"! Great styles... I wish we had taken her seriously and remembered where she lives, I guess at the time it seemed creepy. Too bad for us.

Anonymous said...

she looks like matilda